Absolutely love this. I used to keep my fingers crossed for one in the mystery opponents sets 😁 Theres a CM Punk painting too, I think it’s from 2012 or 2013 where he’s facing the other way with his mouth open, the red paint looks like dragons of blood. Awesome man

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So a little off topic but are you going to make it to PlanetCon next month? Been watching and don't think I've seen your name anywhere.

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I'm not, sorry. Honestly, I got to a point that I got burnt out on public appearances and only rarely do them now, pretty much only WWE-specific things. That may change somewhere down the line but right now it's where my mind is at.

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I get it. Enjoyed meeting you a few years back and was hoping to say hi in person again. I'll have to make WWE Axcess a bucket list goal 😁

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